Physical Internet Lab

About PI

The logistics industry is currently facing challenges due to high greenhouse gas emissions and inefficiencies in logistics operations. Physical Internet (PI) is seen as one of the most efficient solutions to address these challenges while achieving sustainability and resilience in global logistics.

PI is a global logistics system based on the interconnection of logistics networks through a standardized set of collaboration protocols, modular containers, and intelligent interfaces for increased efficiency and sustainability.

About our PI lab

Our PI lab was founded in 2022. Based on the concept of PI, our PI Lab conducts research to revolutionize existing freight transportation methods. This includes applying interdisciplinary research methods such as operations research, machine learning, economics, and business administration to construct an optimization methodology based on the combination of PI containers and transportation optimization.

Our mission is to contribute to the realization of a carbon-neutral society and a circular economy by solving global logistics problems, effectively utilizing resources, reducing environmental impact, building collaborative networks, and achieving long-term sustainability in shipping and logistics.


Design of logistics hubs in the context of Physical Internet

Container sequencing strategies in Physical Internet paradigm

Joint research with the University of Brawijaya

Systematic review of the main topics on the Physical Internet

Collaboration with the University of Melbourne and Asia Pacific University

PI related research publications

Naganawa H., Hirata E. (2024). Reinforcement Learning-Based Optimization of Logistical Hubs and Routing in the Context of the Physical Internet - A Case Study from Japan. The Proceedings of the 10th International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC2024). Savannah. 

Naganawa, H., Hirata, E., Firdausiyah, N., Thompson, R.G. (2024). Logistics Hub and Route Optimization in the Physical Internet Paradigm. Logistics 2024, 8, 37. 

Naganawa H. & Hirata E. (2023).  Identifying the best location of logistics hubs and optimization of distribution routes in the context of physical internet, 68th JSCE Annual Meeting. Nov 2023, Yokohama. In Japanese.

Hirata, E., Watanabe, D. & Lambrou, "Shipping Digitalization and Automation for the Smart Port." in Supply Chain- Recent Advances and New Perspectives in the Industry 4.0 Era (eds. Bányai, T., Bányai, Á. & Kaczmar, I.) (IntechOpen, Rijeka, 2022). doi:10.5772/intechopen.102015.

Hirata, E. (2021). "A Study on Applicability of Blockchain Technology in Physical Internet", Maritime Transport Research, 70, 67-77. In Japanese.